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Take a 16 Hour Parenting Class Online Instead Of In A Classroom!

Parenting is perhaps one of the most difficult jobs anyone can undertake, but on the same note it is indeed also the most gratifying. Having the pleasure to witness your child grow up through all the stages to adulthood, when they leave for college or to start a career, is the greatest moment for any parent. Especially if they adopt the ethos and the character that you have instilled in them for so long and stick to the path that you taught them to follow. In every journey however, there are bumps and challenges that can be expected to arise along the way. It is easy for these challenges to create rifts among the parents and the children. Some challenges, like when parents decide to separate or divorce, can have detrimental affects that change the path for good.

Children often go through a lot of trauma and shock not only from the fact that they will no longer have both their parents in one home, but also from feelings of guilt that it is somehow their fault that this situation occurred. Many children feel like if they had been better, or less demanding, that their parents would have stayed together. In some divorce situations, the parents actually add to the child’s stress by trying to get the kids to take sides, or giving them too much adult information that they simply do not need to know at their age. The kids are left feeling stressed, anxious about what will happen next, and with unstable feelings that they have to somehow choose one parent over the other.

After years of watching custody battles play out to the detriment of the children, jurisdictions across the country are now mandating that parents take co-parenting classes in order to seek guidance on how to best deal with each other and to best deal with their children during this uncertain time. Traditionally, these classes took a lot of time and brought on additional stress; as the parents had to physically drive to, and attend them in classrooms sometimes far away. This meant paying for babysitters, or shuttling the kids over to the other parent’s home and therefore missing work and family time. At a time when parents are trying to maintain as much stability and routine for the kids as possible and spend more time with them, many parents found this an unreasonable task.

However, with the increase in popularity and ease of the Internet, a new solution for these parents is to take these court ordered co-parenting classes online. In this scenario, now all a divorcing parent needs to do is to enroll online for a 10 or 16-hour co-parenting class. The only requirement is a computer and a working network connection. Nothing needs to be downloaded or printed out, so you can sit in the comfort of your own home or at work during your lunch hour to complete the requirement. Online classes enable the parent to go on with the routine of daily life and fit them in whenever they have free time.

Prior to enrolling, just make sure that your court system is now accepting online courses in place of traditional classroom classes. You may have to show them a print out of the homepage or course syllabus, or simply give them the link. Look for a high quality online co-parenting class that is designed by a licensed and practicing Family Therapist and has an A+ rating from the BBB. You will gain an excellent education in how to get through this difficult time of your life while keeping your kids on a healthy, stable and confident path.

Reduce Your Anxiety in 2013 With An Online Parenting Class

Many parents have spent the last two weeks home with their kids during the Holiday break. This is often a stressful, busy, yet fun time and we are left wondering what just hit us. It was interesting to listen to people over the break that were counting down the days and minutes until they could get back to work and the kids back in their appropriate schools. As we all know, parenting children successfully is the most important job a person can have and the most difficult.

If you have been left bewildered and anxious about your children’s behavior, taking a parenting class is a great solution. Your parenting style is key to raising well-balanced, positive and respectful children. You may have grown up in a household with an Authoritarian parenting style with strict control and harsh discipline, and have gone the other way by lavishing a Permissive parenting style with your own kids. Parenting classes help you to learn about different styles and identify which one fits best for you and your family. The caregiver will also learn how to use assertive communication with their kids to be absolutely clear about what is expected, stress and anger management, conflict resolution, boundary setting and the best ways to reward and discipline. Most of all, parenting classes help teach parents to avoid typical parenting mistakes that we all fall into.

The idea of taking a parenting class might sound nice, but you’re probably thinking that you can barely manage your kid’s schedules, let alone adding in a class for yourself. One ideal way to start learning and implementing effective parenting skills right now is to take a 6-hour parenting class online. Online classes take away the stress of having to drive across town to make a scheduled classroom time, by allowing the client to stay in the comfort of their own home! Online parenting classes can be taken from any computer with Internet access in your family room, local coffee house or at work during lunch. Once you register, they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at your convenience. All materials are completely online so you don’t need to worry about printing anything out. You simply read through the course material on the screen in front of you and take short multiple-choice quizzes and a final exam to ensure you understand the material.

With the sophistication and popularity of the Internet, high quality parenting courses are available from licensed and practicing Family Therapists with the same information you would learn in a one-on-one session or a traditional classroom. Online parenting classes can also be used to fulfill court mandates for divorce or separation in many jurisdictions. Just check first with your judge to make sure he or she will accept a distance-learning course, and you are on your way. Taking the class from your computer also enables the client to have complete privacy and focus. A 6-hour class that might take 6 weeks to complete in a classroom can be finished in one day if necessary to meet a court deadline.

Take a parenting class today to gain confidence and learn new skills for 2013!

Online Co-Parenting Classes Teach Ex-Spouses How To Cooperate Through Divorce

Parents who will be going through a divorce in 2013 can start the year off right by taking an online co-parenting class. This is often a sad, stressful and confusing time for everyone involved. Although you might feel that you are a seasoned parent and are confident with the way you have raised your kids to date, parents must realize that going through a separation and the new life that will ensue will necessitate learning new skills. Parents are the most important role models in their children’s lives and the way they choose to handle this separation will set the tone of how the children will react.

Judges across the country also realize that parents need to learn specific techniques for parenting during divorce. Most parents will be court ordered to take a class as part of the separation process. Online parenting classes are available from any web-based computer in the U.S. to provide the education to fulfill this requirement. First check with your judge to make sure he will accept a distance-learning class. If so, it is simple to go online and enroll in a high quality course designed by a licensed and practicing family therapist. Classes are low in cost and will also save you money in gas, parking and babysitters because they can be taken from your own home! Taking a program online enables both parents to learn the same information from any web-based computer device like an IPad, PC or laptop. Nothing needs to be printed out or downloaded so you don’t need to be sitting at a desk or in an office environment. Classes are available on the computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can take them whenever you have some free time in your busy schedule.

Online co-parenting classes teach clients how to cooperatively share parental responsibilities from two households. This will give your children the continued stability, calm and consistency they desperately need during this difficult time. Many children feel like their parent’s divorce is somehow their fault. It is important that the kids understand that they are your priority and have nothing to do with the breakdown in the marriage. Treating each other with respect, and effectively listening to your ex-spouse (even if you don’t agree with them) will show your kids that you are doing your best to work together.

Take special care to enhance your relationship with your kids at this time. Focus on praising them so they feel important and valued, reward them for trying hard to help their self-esteem and give them lots of hugs and warmth so they know they are loved. As a team, be sure to provide the same set of routines and structure at each home so they know what to expect. Set clear boundaries and consequences that are consistent in each home so they can’t get away with something in one house and not in the other.

Court mandated parenting classes are an important tool for both parents to utilize. Testimonies from clients across the country agree that while they may have gone into the program with reservation, the outcome was positive. They are helpful, easy to use, convenient, interesting and full of new parenting tips. Take an online parenting class today to start 2013 off on the right foot!

Online Parenting Classes Provide Tips For Avoiding Meltdowns

The holiday season is here and if you are getting ready to travel with young ones, it can be a challenge. The change in routine, delayed flights, late nights, visiting homes that aren’t kid friendly, and attending all the functions where there’s too much junk food will all directly effect your child’s behavior. To help you actually enjoy the season, here are some tips that have proven helpful:

1. Keep expectations reasonable.

Everyone tends to have high expectations during this time of year and want the holidays to be perfect for the entire family. However, keep in mind that it is likely that everything won’t go as planned. Try not to get frustrated when the rental car needs a tire changed, you are late for grandma’s, or your child falls asleep and misses the family picture. Just do your best, try to stay organized and take a breath, it will all be okay.

2. Don’t overschedule.

Remember that especially if you’ve traveled to a different time zone, the kids are going to be tired. Don’t try to book a lot of visits all in one day. Leave time for the kids to nap, rest or just play quietly so they can decompress.

3. Try To Maintain Some Routine.

While it’s hard when you are at someone else’s house, try to keep a schedule similar to the one you have at home. Try to bring favorite blankies, cups and toys so they have familiar items. Do your best to maintain mealtimes, bedtimes and rules that you have at home, so the kids know what to expect.

4. Bring your own snacks.

If you have a child that is a picky eater and you face the risk of embarrassment and stress because they won’t eat anything the host is providing, come prepared! If you are away from home, stop at a local supermarket and pickup healthy snack foods that your child will eat and bring them with you.

5. Bring your own activities.

Some households that you visit during the holidays may not have any children living in them anymore. To avoid temper tantrums, boredom, meltdowns or generally rude behavior, bring a bag filled with items like an Ipad, DS, books, art materials or dolls. When they get tired of listening to the grown-ups talk, the child can choose what he’d like to do until you are ready to leave.

When you finally get back from your travels, unwind, unpack and are ready to take on the New Year with some new parenting advice, enroll in an online parenting class! Parenting classes provide caregivers with the most current techniques and tips to successful parenting. After spending 24/7 with your kids for 2 weeks, you might start to wonder if you’re actually being strict enough, or maybe too strict? Are you setting appropriate boundaries and limits for their stage of development? Are you speaking and listening as effectively as you could with them? provides the answers to these questions from the convenience of any Internet based computer in your own home. Simply sign up for a 4, 6 or 10 hour online course and you will be on the way to improving family life in 2013!

Learn Parenting Skills Online To Help Your Kids Through Difficult Times

The tragedy that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut this past Friday is heartbreaking and a fear on every parent’s mind. We take our kids to school and expect that they will be safe while they are there. It is just inconceivable to think that someone could incur such wrath on small innocent children. In reflection of this horrible act of violence, schools across the country are researching ways for parents to discuss the situation with their children. The National Association of School Psychologists has come out with the following information to help console our children:

1) Reassure kids that they are safe.

Start off by explaining that their feelings of fear, insecurity, heartache, or sadness are normal and okay. Emphasize that in general schools are very safe places. This was an isolated incident.

2) Spend extra time talking with them.

Be patient and watch for any clues that they want to talk. Sometimes kids don’t come right out with questions, but will hover around while you are cooking, cleaning, working or on the computer. Stop what you are doing and start the conversation. Let them ask as many questions as necessary to help them understand and feel safer.

3) Keep explanations age appropriate.

Early elementary school kids need simple and brief information along with reassurances of examples of how the schools are always working to keep them safe. This is why we have lockdown and other safety drills. Middle and High school students will be more vocal about their opinions about the cause of violence. Let them talk about their views and emphasize to them their roles in maintaining safety. For example, they should report strangers on campus, not bully other children, and report any threats to school safety that they hear from another student.

4) Limit television viewing.

The news channels will be reporting this tragedy 24/7. This information can cause further anxiety and confusion. Avoid having the news running when the kids are around.

5) Maintain a normal routine.

Try to continue with a regular schedule. This sense of balance and knowing what to expect next will help calm nerves.

It is normal that children who have been exposed to this news might feel overwhelmed, anxious and fearful. Be on hyper alert to notice if your child is having an extreme reaction. Seek professional help if this occurs, but generally symptoms will reside over time. Many parents might find themselves feeling insecure about their own parenting skills during this difficult time. Taking parenting classes online is a convenient, easy and stress-free way of getting additional education on current and successful parenting techniques.

Online parenting classes use a psycho-educational approach to better parenting. They are low in cost and ideal for the busy parent because they can be taken from any web-based computer, whenever the caregiver has free time. Parents learn the different stages of childhood development, and how to best communicate with the child at every stage. Different parenting styles are discussed to help focus in on the one that best suits your family, and gets everyone on the same page. Successful anger and conflict resolution techniques, proper rewards and discipline, and stress management are all covered. Most of all, these classes will help you avoid the typical mistakes parents make. A four hour online parenting class can be taken from any of the 50 states and is an extremely useful tool to use to help your children get through emotionally difficult situations like the one our nation is currently experiencing.