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A Parenting Course is required by most states for parents to obtain a divorce when there are children involved.  Parents may also take this 10 hour online course for self-improvement purposes to learn about the impact divorce can have on their family, as well as the best way to handle the difficult transition.  In many divorce situations, the adults involved are so distraught and stressed about the breakdown of their marriage that the feelings of the children are not taken into account.  This class will help parents focus on the needs of the child growing up in two homes.

One of the most important aspects of good parenting is being a proper role model for our children.  Children look up to us to set the tone for how to behave.  Unfortunately, divorce can bring out the absolute worst in us and cause us to act in ways that we never would have believed we were capable of.  However, if our children see us screaming at, bad-mouthing or putting down ex-spouses, they will feel uncomfortable, stressed, and may even learn that this is an acceptable way to treat others.  Parenting classes will teach how parents should communicate with each other during this difficult time, especially while in front of the kids. 

The child’s stages of emotions during a divorce are also extremely important to focus on.  Parents must remember that this is not something they would have ever liked or wanted to happen either.  Every child dreams of having two stable and loving parents living together in single household.  Divorce throws a wrench into this plan and it is a time for the adults to have empathy for their children’s feelings.  Most likely, children will go through stages of anger, denial, worry that they somehow contributed to the situation, and they will grieve the loss of the family unit.  Parenting classes will discuss how to handle these emotions and how to talk to their children in a loving and effective manner. 

Parents will also learn how to eventually come to terms with each other and do their best at co-parenting.  Different parenting styles are discussed so that both parents can try to agree on a similar way to raise and discipline the kids to keep consistency in the two households.  Individuals will learn tips on how to create a successful dual home environment and how to split the time so that the children feel safe, loved and stable while transferring back and forth between two homes. 

There are benefits to co-parenting in a structured and positive manner.  The children can benefit from consistency when there's cooperation between both parents and they can learn that life has its ups and downs but hurdles can be met and overcome.   Proper co-parenting can show children a healthy example to follow and teach an understanding of problem solving with joint custody agreements in place. These are all strong life skills that children can take with them as they grow up and venture out on their own. 

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