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I think it is hard to be a good parent. Who knows what we're doing wrong! I don't want to make the wrong moves that are going to affect my child forever. That just seems like a horrible thing to deal with. I know that some people just don't really care about how they are affecting their children, and I honestly think that there are just some things in life, like taking parent education classes, that we can take. Working on my children is going to be one of the hardest things that I will ever have to do. It's like I'm raising these kids to be good people, and the future needs me to do just that. I am definitely hoping that I can get things like this done properly, and I cannot wait to see what is going to happen when my children grow up, and I definitely hope that I'm doing the right thing.

Tags: online parenting classes| parent education classes| low cost parenting classes| parenting classes for adoption
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