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When you are going through a divorce, most states will require that the separating spouses take a co-parenting class to help them with communication regarding the kids during this stressful time. The court system considers this adult education best for the emotional well-being of the children involved. Often times, the divorce situation causes high-conflict between the two divorcing spouses which can rub off on the kids causing feelings of insecurity, shame, and anxiety. Co-parenting classes teach skills in how to effectively communicate with your ex-spouse to create the most harmony during this trying time.

The stereotype of a divorcing couple generally portrays two adults screaming and yelling at each other in front of the kids. One parent is angry about visitation rights, or how home life is being handled, or the overall behavior of the other parent and a fight ensues. Children run to their rooms to avoid the conflict, and problems are left unresolved. After generations of this behavior, the court system has decided to help support the process of creating two separate healthy, emotionally stable households for the children to thrive in by requiring co-parenting classes for both parents to attend.

Taking online co-parenting classes provides the same education as those found in live classrooms, but are much more convenient. High quality courses can be found online that provide a psycho-educational approach to better parenting and are ideal for court and legal requirements. Parents can look forward to improving skills in a variety of areas to become a better and more effective parent and improve interaction with their children and ex-spouse.

Classes also provide guidance on how to create a formal parenting plan to be filed with the court. This plan is what both parents need to adhere to for the best interest of the children. The goal is to hopefully reduce conflict later on and help with easier communication so that each party knows clearly what is expected. If parents can agree on a plan, they prevent the possibility of the court taking over and making custody and visitation schedules that may be unsatisfactory to either or both parents.

Taking a co-parenting class for legal requirements needs to be pre-approved by your court system or judge. Once approved, parents will find that this is an extremely convenient and easy-to-use approach. Taking a class online will reduce transportation and babysitting expenses. They can be taken 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that they can be fit in during naptime, lunchtime at work, or after the kids have gone to bed at night – whatever works best for you. Classes are available immediately upon registration and can be taken at your own pace. Clients can drop-in and out of the class as many times as they’d like until completion. At the end of the course, a multiple choice final exam is taken. This final can be retaken until it is passed with a 70% score or better. At this time, an official Certificate of Completion is sent out to the client to use as proof that the co-parenting class requirement was fulfilled.

Testimonies from previous students agree that this is definitely the most convenient, stress-free and educational way to learn the material during what is otherwise often a difficult time. Try taking a co-parenting class online today to benefit your tomorrow!

Tags: online parenting classes for divorce
divorce classes online