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In the fifties and sixties, mothers stayed home to raise their children.  It was a full-time job that included cooking homemade meals, keeping the house clean, doing the laundry, getting the kids to doctors appointments, school and other activities on time and helping with homework.   The husband generally was away at work for 8 – 10 hours of the day and would come home to expect dinner made, the house and kids clean and everyone behaving appropriately. 

In the seventies with the onset of the women’s liberation movement, the number of working women increased by 42% as they matriculated into jobs that were once considered only for men.  At this point, women began to look for help in taking care of the daily household duties, as well as with raising the kids.  By the eighties, there was no question that as women we were all going to go to college and would eventually start a career.  Children and a husband were a part of the picture, but not the entire vision.  In fact, by 1986 women were 15% of the nations lawyers, 40% of the computer programmers and 29% of the country’s managers and administrators. 

Women today have numerous opportunities and lifestyles to choose from. The ability to work has given women more freedom to support themselves and have interests outside of the home.  However, a major challenge that has come with this accomplishment has been managing children, a husband, a household and a career.  Mothers today are expected to do it all, and with this comes sacrifices.  Specifically, working women have less time to parent and spend time with their children.   Just like fathers in the fifties, women today might have a schedule that only allows time with their family at night and on the weekends.  Often this time might be filled with making a quick dinner, chores, bill paying, or grocery shopping, further reducing quality one-on-one time. 

It is important that as mothers, wives, and women in the workplace, it is remembered that of primary importance is raising healthy, well-balanced, happy kids.  Our paycheck might enable us to buy them all the electronics, toys and clothing they desire, but what children need most is quality time with their parents.  This is relaxed time that is focused on whatever they need or want to talk about, giving them the opportunity to confide to you any issues they are having in school or with friends. This is the time to keep you aware of any potential problems, to support and give advice on decisions and to generally be a sounding board for their own struggles. 

If you are a mom working hard to juggle multiple responsibilities, it is worthwhile to allot some time in your busy schedule to take an online parenting class as part of your ongoing education.  You might think that you already know it all, but these classes will teach you the most current techniques in stress reduction, empathic listening, and communication.  These are all skills that can help in the workplace as well.  You can spend as little as 4 hours on a class that can be taken from the convenience of your own home, at any time of the day or night.  These classes will help improve your relationships with your children and the overall well-being of your family.  Make time for your children now, and they will make time for you. 

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