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It has been said that the hardest job you can take on is to be a parent.  If you love your children, and want to prepare them to be good citizens that are reliable, well-liked, and successful, then parenting classes can be beneficial to help you prepare for  this responsibility. The reason that this type of parenting is so difficult is that you must hold yourself to a higher standard.   Specifically, you must be a role model for your children. 

You might be wondering what is the importance of being a role model for our children?  The simple answer is summed up in one old saying "actions speak louder than words." Your children will model after the example you set, the older they become the more they pay attention to how you act. They learn more from watching how you are in the world than they will ever learn from what you tell them. A good example of this is smoking, you can tell your children a million times the dangers of smoking. If they then watch you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day they are more likely to start smoking despite what you told them about the dangers of smoking. This same principle works for everything else you want your children to learn. 

If you want to raise children that are good people, and are ready to go out and face the world then you need to teach them how to do that through your actions.   Always keep in mind that you are the main role model and mentor for your children. You are their parent and not their BFF. You can love your children with every fiber of your being, but in order to raise well-rounded, productive children that are successful you cannot be their friend, you must be their parent.  One avenue to teach parents the skills necessary to accomplish this task is by taking 12 hour parenting classes.

There are many things you can teach your children without saying a word. You can teach them to be kind, courteous, and respectful of others by acting in that manner yourself.  If you treat everyone in this manner your kids will take notice, in turn they will treat people in that manner.  Volunteering in the community will show them that the world isn’t all about their needs, but also helping others.   If you do not want your children to become addicted to drugs or alcohol then you need to model that behavior. Do not party in front of your kids, do not use drugs, and do not drink and drive. You will find that your children will model your behavior. If want your children to learn how to properly manage their money then make sure you manage your money properly. Do not give them everything they desire unless they earn it. This can be one of the best gifts that you can give your children. If you would like more parenting tips you can enroll in one of the many parenting classes that are available online.  This is a private, convenient way to educate oneself without having to leave the house.  For example, you just type in Connecticut online parenting classes and will easily find one that suits your needs.  By making yourself a better parent, you will be making your kids better, and preparing them better for life after they leave your home.

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